Week 6 Prompt

For this week's prompt, I would like you to think of an innovative way to promote romance or horror at your local library (pick one, just one!). What would be most effective? A catchy display? Some passive programming? In what ways could you incorporate integrated advisory? Pretend you're pitching an idea to your boss and write at least a paragraph in your prompt response.

In considering how to promote romance novels at the Hancock County Public Library, I found an article from Book Riot that detailed how to "host a book tasting" (Stepaniuk, 2020). Loosely taking inspiration from that article, I would like to propose that we hold what I'd like to call a "book speed dating" event in our community room. This event could work well since we have had success with scheduled programming in the past, and we could have it at just our branch or we could coordinate with the main branch and have it at both locations. We could set up 5 or 6 of our rectangular tables and place a specific romance trope at each table. Additionally, we could make a handout detailing where people should start if they like certain popular movies so that if they are trying something new with romance books, they then have a starting point that incorporates integrated advisory. 

Throughout the event, patrons would begin at a table of their choosing and sit in front of a book at that table. In the spirit of speed dating, they would then have 5 minutes to look through a book and read the inside and back cover, as well as some of the beginning pages. After 5 minutes, patrons could choose to change seats at the same table or find a seat at a different table. With the short time limit, patrons could sample a dozen books within an hour long program. At the end of the hour, patrons would have a better grasp on the romance novels offered by the library and they would be able to check out one of the books or find a similar one on the shelves.


Stepaniuk, C. (2020, April 6). How to host a book tasting for adults at a public library. Book Riot. https://bookriot.com/how-to-host-a-book-tasting-for-adults-at-a-public-library/


  1. Sydney,
    This sounds like a fun idea, its almost like a blind date with a book. Only this time around you get to see what's in front of you. I find this as way to connect with various types of romance and that not one romance novel is the same. This is something I see people complain about is that they are all the same and that is just not true. As an avid romance reader and selector of this genre in my library, I find it fascinating that there is a wide variety of subgenres within this genre. This kind of event would be great to warm naysayers of the genre to see differently.

  2. I love the idea of speed dating a book. How fun. Full points!


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